Sony a5100 is the smallest and lightest interchangeable lens
in the world .The main reason I choose this camera because it has 180 degree flip up LCD screen . So I can see my face while taking selfie . Beside, 24.3 MP resolution will make my images
look clear and natural even without filter . Sony a5100 also have soft skin
effect .Soft skin effect is used for shooting the skin smoothly with face
detection . You can set the setting as
low , high or turn off this effect .
This camera is suitable for beginner like me because I just need to change the
mood if I want to capture different type of moments and my favourite mode while
taking selfie is INTELLIGENT MODE because I can adjust the focus ,brightness ,
vividness and choose the right filter easily .Beside , it has
touch-sensitive screen that allows you to focus and capture images with a touch
of your finger on the screen
for more settings
sample images